About Us
Our signature initiatives
ON this page you can read about our signature initiatives which include:
- THe Guide to Effective and Safe Practice in Youth Mentoring Aotearoa New Zealand, 2nd Edition
- NZYMN website
- Professional development opportunities
- Youth Mentoring National Conference
Guide to Effective and Safe Practice in Youth Mentoring, Aotearoa New Zealand, 2nd Edition

The NZYMN is delighted to announce the publication of its second edition of the Guide to Effective and Safe Practice in Youth Mentoring.
The first edition, published in 2008 was a benchmark document that drew together essential knowledge for New Zealand’s emerging youth mentoring sector.
The 2nd edition has been refreshed and updated with the latest research in effective youth mentoring practice, and the new safety checking and child protection policy guidelines introduced as part of the Vulnerable Children’s Act 2014. It offers practical advice and guidance on how best to provide high-quality mentoring in day-to-day operations.
Download a copy
NZYMN Effective Practice Guide updated November 2018
Or order a printed copy of the Guide - please send an A4 stamped addressed envelope to:
New Zealand Youth Mentoring Network
8 Windsor Street
Auckland 1052
Standard postage is $3.00
NZYMN website
This website includes access to the latest research and best practice resources, locally and internationally; information for individuals interested in becoming a mentor; information for programme providers; and a comprehensive database of specialist youth mentoring programmes, offered throughout New Zealand.
Professional development opportunities
NZYMN runs a number of professional development workshops for those wanting to develop skills in mentoring young people:
- Foundational Youth Mentoring programme (MentorPlus) - 2 day workshop that focuses on the skills required to be an effective mentor to young people, and
- Mentoring Programme Development (Mentoring Matters consultancy) - a service focused on assisting organisations to implement an effective Youth Mentoring programme or align their current mentoring offerings with international best practice. This work is offered on-site and on-line.
- Peer Support training - a one-day workshop for students in senior secondary school, who want to suppport younger students in their school.
- Sharing the Kaupapa - workshops designed to build mentoring capabilities. We offer two separate one-day sessions:
- Building Quality Relationships in Youth Mentoring.
- Whai Wāhitanga: Active Youth Participation in Mentoring.
These workshops can be arranged to be presented in-house and regional locations.
Biennial National Conference
The biennial national conference is the signature event for the Youth Mentoring sector in NZ. It brings together programme providers, practitioners; youth workers, academic researchers, policy makers, and government representatives. The conference provides a forum to explore and advance mentoring’s positive impact on individuals and communities by elevating innovative programme models; sharing best practices and emerging research. In 2018 and 2020 and 2022 we worked in partnership with three other organisations for the INVOLVE Youth Development Conference. We are continuing this partnership with future conferences planned.