Develop a programme
Programme Design
The following is an overview of the key activities to undertake when designing a mentoring programme. Completing these will help ensure programmes have a clear sense of direction and purpose, both in terms of outcomes of the mentoring relationships established and the long-term viability of the programme.
- complete community needs assessment
- define programme outcomes and theory of change (TOC)
- establish programme scope
- design programme operational elements
- build a programme logic model
The overarching premise is: The programme should be designed to meet the specific needs of the young people being mentored.
Refer to pages 26 - 29 of the Guide NZYMN Effective Practice Guide_Programme Development
You may also find this checklist useful NZYMN Effective and Safe Practice in Youth Mentoring_Design_Checklist
The following is a helpful list of programme parameters to consider:
- Define the youth population that the programme will serve
- Identify the types of individuals who will be recruited as mentors (such as senior citizens, corporate employees and university students)
- Determine the type of mentoring that the programme will offer — one-to-one, group, team, peer or e-mentoring„
- Structure the mentoring programme — as a stand-alone program or as part of an existing organisation
- Define the nature of the mentoring sessions (such as career involvement, academic support and socialization)
- Determine what the programme will accomplish and what outcomes will result for the participants, including mentors, mentees and sponsoring organizations
- Determine when the mentoring will take place
- Determine how often mentors and mentees will meet and how long the mentoring matches should endure
- Decide where mentoring matches primarily will meet — workplace, school, faith-based organisation, youth justice facility, community setting or virtual community
- Decide who are programme stakeholders and how to promote the programme,
- Decide how to evaluate program success; and
- Establish case management protocol to assure that the programme has regular contact with both mentors and mentees concerning their relationship.