Invitation to free presentation: Distinguished Visitor - Professor Zimmerman, Mentoring at risk Youth
4pm - 6.30pm | Thursday 26 March 2015
(4pm - arrival and register | 4.15 - formal presentation | 5.45 - refreshments)
University of Auckland Epsom Campus
J1 Lecture Theatre (adjacent to the main A block reception)
Gate 3, 74 Epsom Avenue, Epsom, Auckland
The University of Auckland | Faculty of Education and The New Zealand Youth Mentoring Network warmly invite you to a reception for Distinguished Visitor, Professor Toni Zimmernan from Colorado State University who will speak on 'Mentoring at Risk Youth: a model to address problems in mentoring practice and literature'.
Professor Zimmerman will describe her work with young people in the youth justice and social service systems and the Campus Corps youth mentoring programme she and her colleagues have developed and implemented. This highly successful evidence-based programme which enables undergraduate students to mentor at-risk youth has gained national and international attention, as it addresses many gaps in the mentoring literature including community support, diversity training, mental health concerns with at-risk youth.
Download the flyer for further details.
All welcome: This is a free event however you will need to register to attend.
Free parking: Gate 2, 76 Epsom Avenue