Seasons greetings from the NZ Youth Mentoring Network
Mauri tu, mauri ora (an active soul is a healthy soul) - so much activity in this past year, is a great indication of the health and vigour of our Youth Mentoring sector.
The word that jumps to mind to describe 2017 is connection - the highlight being our “Sharing the Kaupapa” regional workshops with 500 people representing 260 organisations taking part. It has been an absolute privilege to meet and work with so many of you.
It has also been heartening to receive a continuous stream of enquiries from people wanting to volunteer to be mentors to young people. As one person expressed in a recent enquiry: "As someone who had a bit of a tumultuous and somewhat rebellious childhood, I understand the possible benefits of mentoring young people as my life was changed by a single, caring adult. I would really like the opportunity to return all the support I received in my youth."
We are very excited about the year ahead, with planning well underway for Involve 2018, New Zealand's national youth development sector conference. We are teaming up with Ara Taiohi, the Peak Body for Youth Development; Syphanz, The Society of Youth Health Professionals Aotearoa New Zealand; and The Collaborative for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development, to bring you this conference - which will be held in Wellington on the 13 to 15 August 2018 at the MIchael Fowler Centre. Calls for Applications to Present are now open! Check out all this and more at or on Facebook and please send the message around your networks.
As the year draws to a close, we would like to thank you most sincerely for your continued support, and for sharing your knowledge and experience so that the entire youth mentoring sector can benefit.
We wish you and your whanau safe and happy summer holidays. We hope that you will have a chance to relax and reflect on the year that has been, and look forward to the year ahead.
Meri kirihimete nga mihi o te tau hou ki to whanau
From the NZ Youth Mentoring team