August e-news
29 Aug 17
In this update:
- Regional workshops on the new Guide to Youth Mentoring - update
- Registrations now open for our September regional workshop in Christchurch, 20 September
- Register now for our Mentoring Skills (MentorPlus) workshop being held in Auckland, 17 and 18 October
- Local news - Tertiary Education Commission workshops - Generational impact on Employability
- International news - A fresh look at logic models - enhance and amplify their value
Regional workshops on the new Guide to Youth Mentoring - update
Since our last e-news, 83 people from 49 organisations have attended the 3 workshops we have held in Lower Hutt, West Auckland and Invercargill late July and August.
Attendees at Lower Hutt; West Auckland and Invercargill (left to right)
Our final workshop in the regional series was to be held in Blenheim mid-September, however due to road closures and disruptions in the Marlborough region presently, we have decided to postpone this workshop until State Highway One reopens hopefully by the end of the year. In the interim we are pleased to offer a further workshop in Christchurch on the 20 September due to the many requests we have received to do so.
We will keep you posted on the new date for the Blenheim workshop just as soon as we set it so be sure to keep an eye on our website or 'like' our facebook page to keep up to date.
Register now for Christchurch Regional Workshop
Venue: Pavilions Hotel, 42 Papanui Road, Christchurch
Date: Wednesday 20 September 2017
Time: 9.00am - 3.30pm
Registration fee: $35 inclusive GST and booking fee. You will also receive a copy of the new Guide and a comprehensive workbook
To find out more about the workshop
Register and purchase your tickets to the workhop online now
Find out more: flyer_Christchurch
Click here to find out more about the workshops
Auckland MentorPlus course, 17 & 18 October - Register now!
Registrations are now open for our next MentorPlus course to be held in Auckland in October. The details are:
Date: 17 & 18 October 2017
Location: Rosepark Hotel, 92 Gladstone Road, Parnell
Click here to register: Register online now
Comments from previous attendees:
"The workshop is really practical. It taught me how to talk with our mentees more effectively and ask the right questions."
"It gave me really useful activities that we can use with our mentees."
"I really enjoyed sharing korero with workmates and looking at the theory behind how we work with young people."
Local News - Generational impact on Employability workshop, Wellington region
The Tertiary Education Commission - Careers Directorate is running three workshops in the Wellington region over the next 2 weeks. The first one is in Porirua tomorrow ie. Wed 30 August.
The workshops are for Educators, Tertiary providers, Community staff and volunteers working with young people and there is no cost to attend.
Themes for the workshop:
- Identifying generational attitudes towards employment and approaches to career pathways.
- Supporting learners’ to be confident and contribute to future employment opportunities.
Register: To register for this workshop, please complete the attached registration form and email to
form: workshop registration form
Please feel free to print and share the attached flyer with your colleagues.
International news - A Fresh Look at Logic Models: Enhance and Amplify Their Value
The United States based National Mentoring Partnership run regular Webinars for the sector. Their August webinar took a fresh look at Logic Models and how to enhance and amplify thier value.
In our recently published Guide to Youth Mentoring, we talked about the value of building a programme logic model (page 28) to depict what your programme is looking to achieve. This webinar goes beyond the basics of developing logic models and theories of change, and look at them through a new lens to amplify their impact.
NOTE: scroll down page to archived Webinars (August 2017)
Please pass this e-newsletter on to others in your community who work with young people and have an interest in mentoring and like our facebook page to keep up to date.
Ngā mihi nui
Nicki McDonald
New Zealand Youth Mentoring Network
PO Box 99726 Newmarket
M: 027 520 2981
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